Sunday, March 1, 2009

Come ride with me, through veins of history / And I'll show you how God falls asleep on the job

Better late than never, right? I have indeed finished a Saying Story for the first time in almost a year.

It's longer than I had thought, a little more vague than I thought, and quite a different beast than I'd originally intended. But what fun would it be to have ended up exactly where I had thought I would?

There are two images embedded in the story; the second provides hints to the remainder of my stories this year.

Without further ado, my February Saying Story:

"If You're Going to Preach, for God's Sake, Preach with Conviction"

1 comment:

Robby said...

Very cool, I love the voice you found with Chance. I was wondering about the opening scene with Grime, but it's actually a good introduction to Trent and the studio. I look forward to seeing more.

And I kinda want to hear "Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo."